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Edmond Bedrossian - Avoiding potential complications in the management of edentulous patients

This lecture will introduce key biomechanical and surgical principles in order to avoid complications, as well as guidelines for complication management when using the Zygoma implant. Management of failed or fractured Zygoma implants in addition to protocol for management of...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Implant prosthetics


Glen Liddelow: Avoiding surgical pitfalls with the All-on-4® treatment concept

The All-on-4® treatment concept has now become a routine, highly successful clinical procedure. However, there are a number of common surgical complications that can be avoided through proper planning and surgical technique. This lecture will address aspects of planning to avoid co

Digital workflow
Edentulous treatments


Joseph Kan: Anterior immediate single tooth replacement. Lessons learned.

Achieving anterior implant esthetics is a challenging procedure. Understanding the biological and physiological limitations of the soft and hard tissues will facilitate predictability in simple to complex esthetic situations. This presentation will reflect on the past and current,

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Gabor Tepper: Predictability of clinical outcomes. How to work with the limits.

Immediate implant placement and Function have become highly demanded treatment protocols, as they offer multiple advantages to both patients and practitioners. Amongst others, shorter time to teeth leads to higher levels of patient satisfaction, which can in turn drive more...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Posterior implants


Georg Mailath-Pokorny: Optimal implant positioning for long-term tissue maintenance

Placing implants immediately in fresh extraction sockets is a technically-sensitive procedure, which calls for careful consideration of several factors during diagnosis and treatment planning. One critically important factor for long-term soft tissue maintenance is the dental...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Jill Helms: Latest understanding of the biology of osseointegration. The bone biology

Implants have become the preferred method for the replacement of missing teeth, due in no small part to the high success rate that accompanies this procedure. There are challenges, however, that can complicate or delay osseointegration. For example, the patient population seeking

Success & failure


Bertil Friberg: Refinements in treatment protocols to improve patient benefits - go original

In Dr. Bertil Friberg’s presentation, he discusses ways in which treatment protocols can be improved to the benefit of the patient.  Dr. Friberg focuses on developments in the field of implant dentistry.  One advancement is implant surface modification; he discusses its impact on...

Implant surfaces
Bone grafting and regeneration
Sinus augmentation


Eirik Salvesen: Bringing together new product innovations in a cement-free posterior solution

Posterior implant placement is a common treatment modality in our practices.  However, it poses many challenges for the clinician.  Dr. Salvesen discusses the need for simple, predictable, and reliable options in order to provide treatment that limits the patient’s “time to teeth.”...

Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Posterior implants


Stefan Lundgren: Complications in bone augmentation

Among the various possible complication areas in implant and augmentation surgery, this lecture focuses on complications with wound dehiscence and graft exposures, donor sites, sinus infections and misplaced implants and covers the causes of these complications, options for their...

Guided Surgery
Bone grafting and regeneration


Chandur Wadhwani: Restorative-driven implant health – what you need to know. Healing abutment to final restoration.

The success of the dental implant is intimately related to how the soft tissues respond prior to, during, and after restoration. The restoring clinician is involved with all these aspects and must fully understand the consequences of his or her choices and actions. Soft-tissue heal

Prosthetic strategies


Joseph Kan: Peri-implant esthetics

Immediate tooth replacement offers the benefit that the hard and soft tissue architecture can be maintained. A change in labial contours is usually occuring, so the correct management of the facial contour is crucial in order to achieve an adequate esthetic result. Dr. Kan...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Chandur Wadhwani: The impact of cement, its techniques and protocols for long term outcomes

Residual cement is considered a main causal risk factor for peri-implant disease. Cement remnants causing microbial activity, immune reaction, allergic response, activation of titanium surface may be the route by which bone is lost around implants. Dr Wadhwani discusses the...
Implant prosthetics
Fixed prosthetics


Marc Quirynen: Give the bone a chance to survive

The etiology of complex chronic infections like peri-implantitis demand a multi-causality model to explain the condition. Peri-implantitis is not always caused by pathogens. Dr Quirynen reviews that peri-implantitis can be caused by more than one causal mechanism, that every causal...
Systemic factors
Success & failure


Sreenivas Koka: Peri-implantitis: Truths and Myths

Peri-implantitis a very important topic and subject of scientific debate. In the early days of implant dentistry crestal bone loss was not common. Dr Koka discusses the concept of osseosufficiency and if implants fail or if failure of implant treatment is rather a host response to...

Implant designs
Implant surfaces


Jay Malmquist: Grafting options for the compromised implant site

Bone volume is the site specific determining factor in deciding on the placement of implants. The volume must be sufficient for the implant replacing the original tooth. Tooth loss and subsequent bone changes may result in inadequate bone volume for placing implants. Objectives for...
Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration
Soft tissue management