The lecture raises the discussion about overtreatment of natural teeth or alternatively also with implants. Dr Walton introduces his thoughts as a 'tale of caution'. Is ongoing treatment of severely structurally or periodontally compromised teeth - 'herodontics' - still justified...
The lecture reviews some of the challenges in anterior implant treatment cases, in light of the main elements bone, soft tissue, prosthesis and adjacent teeth. Dr Euwe discusses diagnostic aspects and adequate treatment plans and protocols. It is important to have enough hard and...
The lecture reviews and compares a data pool with almost 40.000 implants placed in an over 20 year time period. Dr Laureen Langer concludes that there are high and equivalent survival rates and no statistical differences between immediate and delayed placement, and that the...
The lecture compares the treatment options for a compromised tooth, endodontic treatment, fixed partial denture and extraction and implant placement, and discusses adjunctive procedures for each treatment as well as economical considerations. Dr White reviews the literature data...
The lecture highlights the importance of appropriate treatment planning to increase the predictability of long-term success and to optimize the result of implant treatment, and explains the difference between implant survival and implant success. Dr Salvesen reviews the important s
The tradition to insert 6 implants, and eventually more, in an arch-wide pattern dates back to the early days of osseointegration when implants with a machined surface were used and risk for early...
Traditional endosseous oral implant treatment protocols ad modum Brånemark required a variable healing period (usually 3-6 months) before prosthesis placement. The healing period was considered necessary to achieve osseointegration and establish a load-bearing interface...
This is the reversible inflammatory process in the soft tissues around functioning implants. Peri-implant mucositis occurs in almost 60% of subjects (± 30% of sites), restored with implants. Diagnosis is stated by clinical examination: redness, ...
The relative merits of different prosthodontic treatment objectives - resilient versus rigid attachments - are controversial and empirical. A resilient retention mechanism is recommended on the assumption that this will protect implants from overload; while in...
Smoking and nicotine consumption have a constrictive effect on blood vessels thereby reducing blood supply. It increases the susceptibility to periodontal inflammatory diseases, dry extraction sockets and wound healing...
What can go wrong when restoring a full-arch with immediate provisionalization ? Dr Parrish gives insight in the most common complications and pitfalls and how they can be avoided. Often failures are due to human errror. Implant component failures are rare, provided premium quality...