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Treatment guidelines



Risk assessment & special high risk categories, overview

A thorough risk assessment forms the cornerstone of successful patient treatment. Four key sources of information permit the clinician to identify pertinent risks and to determine the seriousness of each risk...

Local factors
Systemic factors
Patient assessment


Björn Klinge: Is there a connection between previous periodontitis and later peri-implantitis

A consensus statement is an agreement on currently available knowledge and may shift over time based on new evidence. Today there are solid data that there is an association between history of periodontitis and later peri-implant inflammation and infection. However this finding...

Aftercare / follow up

Patient cases

Immediate placement/loading to treat a terminal dentition

A 43-year-old male patient was not comfortable with the idea of a denture. The loss of anterior teeth finally stimulated the urgency to move forward with a solid reconstructive plan.  A restoration provided at day of surgery proved to be the optimal solution for this patient.

Implant prosthetics
Local factors

Patient cases

Edentulous patient rehabilitated with implant retained restorations

A 63-year-old female patient's chief complaint was the severe impact on function and chewing following extensive periodontal breakdown associated with significant mobility of numerous teeth. A full mouth rehabilitation over implants was the option selected.

Immediate implant placement
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization