Treatment objective of a chronic disinfection is to reduce bacterial load under a critical threshold. In the case of peri-implant infections the measures to reduce bacterial contamination can comprise e.g. surgical or non-surgical debridement and implant surface decontamination...
Dr Friberg covers the long term perspective of treatment with dental implants, ranging from the history of dental implantology and the detection of osseointegration until what has been accomplished till today in implant treatment. The lecture gives insight into treatment protocols...
The aims of peri-implant soft tissue management in the edentulous mandible are the eventual reconstruction of attached gingiva or immobilizing the soft tissue at the implant-soft tissue interface. Vestibuloplasty means deepening of the...
This is the reversible inflammatory process in the soft tissues around functioning implants. Peri-implant mucositis occurs in almost 60% of subjects (± 30% of sites), restored with implants. Diagnosis is stated by clinical examination: redness, ...
At the beginning of the recall control it is necessary to define the intention of a radiograhical control and if it is needed. Radiological controls are only justified in the presence of certain symptoms, anamnesis and/or clinical examination...
Inflammation can be limited to the soft tissue around the implant (mucositis) or involve the underlying bone tissue as well (peri-implantitis). Infection can be caused by various risk factors, such as inadequate hygiene and patient compliance...
Presence/number of implants influences aerobe and anaerobe species in saliva and on tongue in edentulism. Subgingival microbiota in periimplantitis vary according to studies. Less periodontal pathogens than in partial edentulism. Prevotella nigrescens,...
Radiographical check-ups to evaluate bone levels cannot be repeated too often to avoid unnecessary radiation. Monitoring the overlying soft tissues may help to identify eventual problems of the underlying bone, although the correlation...
Peri-implantitis is an infection around implants associated with the presence of submucosal bacterial biofilm, with the biofilm microorganisms adhering and hiding on irregular surface structures such as the rough implant surface, crown margin areas and unfavorably designed...
A consensus statement is an agreement on currently available knowledge and may shift over time based on new evidence. Today there are solid data that there is an association between history of periodontitis and later peri-implant inflammation and infection. However this finding...
A 54-year-old male patient presented for rehabilitation of an extended maxillary edentulous space. The patient was rehabilitated without any grafting by using artificial pink gingiva and implants with bone expansion properties.