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Treatment guidelines


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Secondary splinting

Implant overdentures are an excellent treatment option for edentulous patients and lead to significant improvement of quality of life. There are various options for their retention mechanism...


Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics
Removable prosthetics


Friedrich Neukam, Stefan Holst: Optimal decision-making and treatment planning - a shared responsibility

The lecturers present their team approach for patient communication, diagnostics, treatment planning and treatment decisions, discuss the functional and esthetic consequences of edentulism, and review the different treatment phases. In addition to regular intro-and extra-oral...
Prosthetic materials


Lyndon Cooper: Endosseous dental implants - transformational for the edentulous

AAOMS data estimate that by the age of 74, 26 % of all adults will have lost all of their permanent teeth. Dr Cooper points out, that the care of the octagenarian is a challenge for dental profession, but also a major opportunity. Dr Cooper reviews the main parameters related to...
Digital workflow


Jeffrey Ganeles: the All-on-4® treatment concept from a referral base, periodontal/surgical practice perspective

The lecture discusses, how the All-on-4 treatment concept fits into treatment in a periodontal practice. Dr Ganeles discusses treatment options for patients with failing maxillary dentitions from advanced and generalized periodontitis, and reviews the treatment of these situations...
Immediate implant placement
Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics


Ye Lin: Immediate implant restoration in Chinese patients with severe periodontitis

Chinese oral health surveys reveal, that over 90 % of edentulous Chinese patients loose their teeth because of long-term severe periodontitis. Chinese patient do not or a not able to seek regular dental check up's and treatment due to time, cost or cultural reasons. Dr Lin is...
Immediate implant placement
Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic materials


Philippe Hujoel: Improving dental implant care through quality control procedures

Demand for quality performance measures is increasing in many professions, including medical and dental procedures. Patients, insurance providers and governments request reliable data for adequate evaluation of treatment procedures, medical device performance, treatment result...
Implant designs
Aftercare / follow up
Success & failure


Paulo Malo: Full-arch rehabilitation of edentulous patients with the All-on-4® treatment concept

Dr Malo presents an overview over the principles of the All-on-4® treatment concept with a focus on the prosthetic options and design characteristics. The All-on-4® treatment main principles comprise: 4 implants for full arch rehabiliation, avoid implants in the (maxillary)...
Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic materials


Marco Esposito: Light activated disinfection in the case of peri-implantitis

Treatment objective of a chronic disinfection is to reduce bacterial load under a critical threshold. In the case of peri-implant infections the measures to reduce bacterial contamination can comprise e.g. surgical or non-surgical debridement and implant surface decontamination...
Peri-implant therapy


David Chvartszaid: Distinction between normality and pathology of marginal bone around oral implants

Distinguishing normal and abnormal marginal bone behaviour around osseointegrated implants is a complex and controversial topic. Dr Chvartszaid reviews why this distinction is difficult, and discusses topics such as the existence of multiple proposed etiologies, deficiencies in...
Aftercare / follow up
Systemic factors


Andrew Dawood: Graftless management of the resorbed ridge

The lecture gives insight in the use of short, narrow and zygomatic implants in cases with severe bone resorption and how using these technologies can avoid bone grafting and protracted treatment periods. Supported by impressive patient cases, Dr Dawood reviews a treatment solution...
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Fixed prosthetics


Tidu Mankoo: Success criteria for soft tissue management in the esthetic zone

The lecture reviews the criteria for successful soft tissue management in the esthetic zone. Correct three-dimensional implant position around 3 mm apical and 2 mm palatal of the final desired gingival margin on the restoration support the buccal plate and adequate stable bone...
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Paulo Malo: Immediate Function: benefits to patient and practice

The presentation gives an insight on the restoration of edentulous situations from both surgical and restorative aspects, with focus on the immediate function protocol and the All-on-4 solution. Dr Malo reviews the indications and contraindications, advantages and benefits as well...
Edentulous treatments
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Aftercare / follow up


Roland Glauser: Long-term perspective of implant treatment - what's key to success ?

The lecture discusses the importance of healthy soft and hard tissue for long term success with implant treatment, presenting information and long-term data on bone remodeling and giving important insights in the etiology and factors influencing marginal bone reaction. Based on...
Aftercare / follow up
Success & failure


Bertil Friberg: Long-term perspective of implant treatment - what have we learned

Dr Friberg covers the long term perspective of treatment with dental implants, ranging from the history of dental implantology and the detection of osseointegration until what has been accomplished till today in implant treatment. The lecture gives insight into treatment protocols...
Implant surfaces

Treatment guidelines



Direct to implant vs. abutment

Advantages of abutment-supported prostheses are 1) When implants are not parallel to each other, the use of angulated abutments can "correct" for the non-parallelism 2) Angulated abutments are available for a screw-retained prosthesis and 3) Custom abutments can be...

Prosthetic strategies
Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics