The relative merits of different prosthodontic treatment objectives - resilient versus rigid attachments - are controversial and empirical. A resilient retention mechanism is recommended on the assumption that this will protect implants from overload; while in...
At post-placement visits, the same factors evaluated carefully at the placement appointment should be reviewed and adjusted where necessary. Overdenture base fit, extensions, occlusion, esthetics, function, comfort and overall patient...
Placement of a removable prosthesis requires attention to detail to cover all important clinical items such prosthesis fit, denture base extensions, esthetics, occlusion, patient comfort and post-insertion instructions. Implant overdentures may or may not...
At post-placement visits, the same factors evaluated carefully at the insertion appointment should be reviewed again and adjustments made where necessary. Denture base fit, extensions, occlusion, esthetics, function, comfort and overall...
Placement of a complete denture requires attention to detail to cover all important clinical items such prosthesis fit, denture base extensions, esthetics, occlusion, patient comfort and post-placement instructions. In addition, the clinician...
Successful oral rehabilitation of edentulous patients with removable prostheses demands careful adherence to a clinical protocol. Some simplified protocols have been successfully introduced...
To achieve good long term results, regular recall control appointments should be scheduled. Ideally, recall appointments take place at least every 6 months for a systemic review of the general health...
The main objectives of post-operative care include control of the healing of the surgical site and identifying risks which could affect healing and, where pertinent, osseointegration. In addition, post-operative visits provide the opportunity to evaluate the...
A fixed prosthesis offers benefits from both a functional and esthetic point of view and may be regarded as quite similar to a patient's own natural dentition when compared to alternative treatment options such as complete dentures....
Some patients present with soft and hard tissue defects that cannot be addressed by a fixed implant prosthesis when esthetics, phonetics and oral hygiene access are considered. In these patients who have struggled...
Fixed implant prostheses are associated with the best oral health and quality of life, as chewing performance and patient comfort are usually better than with a removable prosthesis. The use of all-ceramic, metal-ceramic or metal-resin prostheses offers...
Radiographical check-ups to evaluate bone levels cannot be repeated too often to avoid unnecessary radiation. Monitoring the overlying soft tissues may help to identify eventual problems of the underlying bone, although the correlation...
Edentulism as a consequence of (sub)total agenesis of deciduous and/or permanent teeth in children and adolescents is extremely rare. It is commonly a component of a generalized underlying condition such as ectodermal dysplasia. There are...