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Gabor Tepper: Predictability of clinical outcomes. How to work with the limits.

Immediate implant placement and Function have become highly demanded treatment protocols, as they offer multiple advantages to both patients and practitioners. Amongst others, shorter time to teeth leads to higher levels of patient satisfaction, which can in turn drive more...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Posterior implants


Georg Mailath-Pokorny: Optimal implant positioning for long-term tissue maintenance

Placing implants immediately in fresh extraction sockets is a technically-sensitive procedure, which calls for careful consideration of several factors during diagnosis and treatment planning. One critically important factor for long-term soft tissue maintenance is the dental...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Alfred Lau: Immediate implants in the esthetic zone - keys to success

Dr. Lau reviews success factors for immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone from a surgical perspective. He presents the BALS rule (biotype, angulation and position, level of bone and support of prosthesis) and walks the audience through the importance of each factor. A...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Alessandro Pozzi: NobelGuide protocol

Highlighting with several patient cases and clinical videos, and underlining with literature data, Dr Pozzi explains the workflow principles and advantages when using guided surgery protocols and provides tips and tricks for optimizing soft tissue management and esthetic outcome...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Daniel Fang: Implant provisional restorations

Implant provisional restorations are the business card of the esthetic dentist. Postextraction tissue resorption and remodeling is inevitable. Dr. Fang explains that the tissue remodeling can be compensated by preserving the tissue through immediate implant placement and...
Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Joseph Kan: Peri-implant esthetics

Immediate tooth replacement offers the benefit that the hard and soft tissue architecture can be maintained. A change in labial contours is usually occuring, so the correct management of the facial contour is crucial in order to achieve an adequate esthetic result. Dr. Kan...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Peter Wöhrle: Integrated treatment flow

How can we treat patients more effectively, and with a better outcome? Dr Wöhrle presents how to optimize treatment planning with the final prosthetic design in mind, minimize surgical and prosthetic errors, optimize patient communication, and explains an integrated, digital...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Oded Bahat: The relationship between esthetics, continuous craniofacial growth and implant reconstruction in adults - observations, consequences and surgical solutions

In this lecture Dr Bahat discusses facial esthetics, craniofacial ageing, its influence on implant placement and how these parameters interact. Craniofacial changes continue throughout adult life, and vary between genders, and individually between patients. Dr Bahat is reviewing...
Implant designs
Implant surfaces
Anterior implants


Joseph Kan: The science and biology of immediate implant placement and tooth rehabilitation in anterior region

Immediate implant and tooth replacement have become a viable treatment option for replacing failing maxillary anterior teeth. However, potential challenges such as implant and esthetic complications may be encountered. The presentation focuses on on the current science...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Joseph Kan: Evidence-based immediate tooth replacement

Dr Kan leads through a journey on immediate implant placement from both a surgical and prosthetic point of view, discussing aspects of soft and hard tissue condition, interaction of implant size, diameter, position and socket form, influences of crestal bone condition and biologic...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Iñaki Gamborena: Esthetics in the anterior region

Sufficient soft tissue volume and natural scalloping contour is key for esthetic success. Dr Gamborena is discussing aspects of soft tissue management criteria, innovative connective tissue graft and healing abutment design, and related flap, suturing and restorative considerations...
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management
Prosthetic strategies


Tristan Staas, Michiel Wouters: Custom esthetics powered by NobelProcera

Dr Staas and Michiel Wouters discuss the team approach between lab and clinician from an esthetic, biological, predictability and reliability perspective. They review material selection and restoration design aspects, such as CAD/CAM and Zirpress techniques, emergence profile...
Implant designs


Roland Glauser: Immediate function: indications, contraindications, complications - in partially edentulous patients

The lecture gives insight in decision guidelines, indications, contraindications as well as complications and potential failures for immediate function protocols in edentulous patients. Dr Glauser presents the 'patient journey' from pre-treatment evaluation, planning with digital...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Saj Jivraj: Restorative considerations for the immediate loaded transitional prosthesis

The lecture highlights the importance of the restorative space to meet the requirements for esthetics, mechanics and biomechanical integrity. Dr Jivraj reviews the restorative considerations playing a role like tooth position, vertical restorative space, restoration contour and...
Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Peter Woehrle: Multiple adjacent implants in the esthetic zone. Rationale, planning and execution

The lecture reviews the challenges in relation to restoring multiple missing anterior teeth with implants. The goal is to achieve harmony and continuity of soft tissues in visible areas defined by perceived symmetry. Problems are related with change in underlying anatomy upon...
Digital workflow
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants