The lecture gives insight in how we can deliver naturally looking restorations with highly predictable long-term soft tissue integration, in our daily practice. Preservation of bone crest and soft tissue are supported by a tight implant-abutment connection as a barrier against...
The lecture reviews the treatment plan and workflow for fixed prosthetic restorations of edentulous arches. The diagnostic planning before the implant surgery can be tested e.g. with provisional diagnostic dentures. Highlighting with a patient case, Dr Euwe explains how a screw...
Spiral or Cone Beam CT (CBCT) data sets of the patient jaw bones and of the scan template are transcoded by a specific software to produce three-dimensional (3-D) images of the jaw bones and thickness of the mucosa. Software planning...
Dr Bedrossian presents a patient case with the clinical findings: loss of posterior support, primary periodontal disease, secondary occlusal trauma, CR MI (centric relation to maximum intercuspation) slide of 2 mm, tardive dyskinesia, labial incompetence, and discusses his...
Accurate implant planning is the first step to achieve an optimum prosthetic result. Well-fitting, well-designed dentures can directly be used for planning and pre-surgical analysis or a new tooth arrangement and mock-up have to be considered...
Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: End of the day
Location: OR/Surgical Suite/Operatory
Comments: Refers to one room (not patient); only performed 1x per day
Diagnosis is a Greek word that means discern or distinguish; thus, diagnosis is a cognitive experience. The diagnostic process was originally based on interrogation, inspection, auscultation, olfaction and palpation. With advancement in medical...
A 65-year-old female patient came for a complete-arch treatment. The aim was to re-position the old removable denture in its original position to be able to transfer it into a cement-retained provisional denture.
Conceptually, a provisional prosthesis for an edentulous patient is a convenient tool that offers the patient a satisfactory level of function and esthetic appearance while definitive treatment is undertaken...
Treatment planning for the edentulous patient requires a diagnostic tooth arrangement which provides valuable information for pre-surgical planning (surgical guide fabrication), facilitates discussion regarding...
Optimal esthetic treatment outcomes require a harmonious reconciliation between lip morhology and teeth positioning. Lips provide a picture frame for the anterior teeth that support them; with mouth size and labial contours depending on genetically...
A 48-year-old female patient desired a better, more aesthetic appearance and an improvement of her masticatory performance. An All-on-4® treatment concept for the maxilla and a newly fixed prosthesis loaded onto the existing implants was planned.
The lecture reviews the treatment of a failed bridge restoration supported by implants and natural teeth. Dr Gamborena and L Rutten explain the treatment sequence and the cooperation between the clinic and the dental lab. The lecture discusses patient motivation, treatment options...
The presentation explains the treatment approach and treatment steps in a complex unilateral case with two fractured upper central and lateral teeth. Dr van Dooren reviews the diagnostic tools and highlights the additional insights patient videos can provide e.g. regarding the...
Over the recent years dentistry has undergone a considerable evolution, providing new technologies and materials, and become more digital. The challenge and opportunity is to combine digital technologies, esthetics and function. Dr Touati and Jean-Marc Etienne discuss long distance...