The All-on-4® treatment concept is a proven treatment protocol that provides optimal support for an implant bridge with 4 implants even with minimum available bone volume. The lecture discusses the All-on-4® treatment concept under the failing dentition point of view and reviews...
Dr Coachman develops how the smile design can be the primary principle of a restorative treatment plan, and how nowadays technologies assist us in achieving predictable esthetic restorations adressing functional and biologic aspects at the same time. Guided surgery is at times...
How can we treat patients more effectively, and with a better outcome? Dr Wöhrle presents how to optimize treatment planning with the final prosthetic design in mind, minimize surgical and prosthetic errors, optimize patient communication, and explains an integrated, digital...
A 55-year-old male patient desired replacement of a previously extracted, missing lower canine #43 FDI (#27 US) which had not been previously restored. The treatment option was the placement of an implant with horizontal and vertical bone augmentation.
Conventional dentures are a common treatment option, but, when bone is missing, they may not meet functional, psychological and social needs of the individual. Classical surgical approaches include different...
Orthognathic surgery treatment planning should include assessment of the entire face, especially in two third profiles, facial, upper dental and lower dental midlines, occlusal cants, and asymmetries, both in rest and dynamically. Dr Swennen emphasizes the importance of...
The lecture discusses, how to effectively use 3D imaging in planning for the tooth to be immediately replaced and restored, if real time diagnosis and evaluation of treatment complexity provides immediate gratification for clinician and the patient. Dr Glauser also reviews how use...
A 68-year-old female patient wearing an implant-supported restoration with a very high mobility due to periimplantitis. The treatment consisted in placement of new implants and a new prosthesis to re-establish function, esthetics and provide overall comfort.
The lecture discusses the surgical and prosthetic objectives when using the All-on-4 treatment concept and reviews the clinical management of patients covering aspects of treatment planning, surgical procedures and both provisional and final implant retained restoration.
Adequate patient assessment, diagnostics and treatment planning are crucial for long-term successful clinical results. Procedures should be outcome-driven, predictability means success. The lecturers present the integrated workflow with NobelClinician and its use in combination...
The All-on-4® concept originally has been developed as a cost effective way to treat edentulous patients with moderately atrophied jaws. Today expanded treatment options have been introduced, and the concept can also be used for highly resorbed situations. There are three simple...
In this lecture Dr Bahat discusses facial esthetics, craniofacial ageing, its influence on implant placement and how these parameters interact. Craniofacial changes continue throughout adult life, and vary between genders, and individually between patients. Dr Bahat is reviewing...
A 62-year-old male patient with a long history of periodontitis which resulted in extensive gingival recessions compromising the aesthetics. The treatment plan involved a combination of implant-and tooth-supported restorations.
Modern digital technologies allow to efficiently connect the clinical treatment team, surgeons, restorative dentists, radiologists, dental technician and dental staff, in order to develop and align medical imaging and treatment planning. The lecture leads through a journey of the...
Hybrid restorations are an excellent restorative procedure in combination with the All-on-4® treatment concept. Dr Parel reviews some of the main complications which can occure when implementing this concept and how to solve them, e.g. management of the transition line in patients...