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Patient cases

Implant placement due to root fracture of a non-vital tooth

A 53-year-old female patient with #22 FDI (#10 US), which was endodontically treated and discolored, was esthetically unpleasing. The tooth was hopeless due to root fracture. A treatment plan was formulated to replace the non-vital tooth with an implant.

Anterior implants
Implants in compromised sites


Bernard Touati: Optimize the biology and tissue behaviour for an esthetic end result

Dental implant treatments are constantly evolving in order to improve harmonious esthetic integration. This lecture will focus on a new concept, On1, allowing biological advantages in the fragile soft-tissue implant /restoration interface. Avoiding disturbance of the biologic space...

Prosthetic strategies
Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics


Inaki Gamborena: Slim concept, a valuable treatment alternative for implant aesthetics

The goal of creating a harmonious aesthetic outcome around dental implants that mimics the surrounding dentition and soft-tissue condition as well as morphology is indeed difficult to create and maintain long term. The subepithelial connective tissue graft (CTG) is a favored option...

Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures
Soft tissue management


Tidu Mankoo: The restoration of failing teeth in the aesthetic zone. Surgical and prosthetic keys to success

This presentation will review the contemporary surgical and prosthetic concepts in management of implants in the aesthetic zone with a view to achieving optimum long term esthetics and stability.
The outcomes depend on the clinical management and an understanding and application of...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Charles Goodacre: The impact of cervical contour, marginal fit, and surface smoothness on peri-implant mucosa

Correcting adverse soft tissue responses around crowns requires specific cervical contours coupled with surface smoothness and marginal fit.  This presentation will show how these morphologic principles have been used to correct adverse gingival reactions with crowns on natural tee...

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics


Gerard Chiche: The evolution of aesthetic possibilities based on zirconia.


In this presentation, emphasis will be placed on clinical situations that are best served aesthetically with zirconia. While the main advantage of zirconia is its mechanical strength, it is possible to design the restoration to maximize its esthetic potential and also to blend it...

Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics


Inaki Gamborena: Screw- or cement-retained restorations. A biologic point of view.

This lecture will focus on the biologic criteria when it comes to restoring anterior implants using as an alternative a screw or cement retained restoration. The main problematic aspect for the cemented implant restoration will be discussed widely with different clinical examples...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Rudolf Fürhauser: The Pink Esthetic Score in monitoring peri-implant soft tissue stability in single tooth implants according different treatment protocols.

Pink Esthetic Score assesses 7 soft tissue variables, it allows for reproducible assessments of peri-implant soft tissue around single tooth implants (Gehrke 2009). Different treatment modalities can be compared, flapless procedures show better outcomes than flapped procedures...

Digital workflow
Immediate implant placement

Patient cases

A novel approach for soft tissue management in the anterior region

A 33-year-old male patient's chief complaint was a missing lateral incisor which had been extracted several years earlier. A one-stage implant procedure simultaneous to connective tissue grafting and the use of a slim healing abutment was planned.

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Jeannette Chua: Immediate implants and immediate provisionalization in compromised sites

Immediate implants and immediate provisionalization (IIPP) has been shown to provide optimal preservation of soft and hard tissues which is paramount in the esthetic zone. Often IIPP are reserved for carefully selected cases with minimal risks as this technique was considered to be...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Implants in compromised sites


David Garcia Baeza: The art of individualized prosthetics in the aesthetic zone and the way to the optimum result

Reaching for an aesthetic end-result involves optimized soft tissue protocols. The use of provisional restorations gives advantages and makes the final prosthetic steps easier to achieve an excellent esthetic result. The handling of the soft tissue and its manipulation at the right...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Gary Orentlicher: Optimize planning and treatment with CBCT and NobelClinician®

Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), in combination with the NobelClinician® software and NobelGuide® surgical templates offer the dental implant team a new set of planning, surgical, and restorative tools. These technologies aid the restorative, surgical, and dental laboratory...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Inaki Gamborena, Luc Rutten: Achieving a high end esthetic outcome with a team approach and digital communication

This presentation will describe their experience in challenging cases as a team in a two-way communication. Clinicians and dental technicians have access to an astounding array of new technologies, tools and materials to design beautiful smiles.


This presentation puts an emphasis...

Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


George Duello: From concept to clinical reality - how standard workflows lead to patient satisfaction

For the partially edentulous patient to achieve complete prosthetic rehabilitation, the dental team needs to identify common challenges and goals to facilitate clinical workflows for the patient. Conventional and digital diagnostic procedures can demonstrate appropriate surgical...

Digital workflow
Prosthetic strategies


Joseph Kan: Anterior immediate single tooth replacement. Lessons learned.

Achieving anterior implant esthetics is a challenging procedure. Understanding the biological and physiological limitations of the soft and hard tissues will facilitate predictability in simple to complex esthetic situations. This presentation will reflect on the past and current,

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures