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Patient cases

Delayed implant placement with immediate provisionalization in the esthetic zone

A 67-year-old male patient with the lateral incisor who had to be extracted due to a transverse fracture right below the crown. The patient opted for a delayed implant placement with immediate provisionalization.

Anterior implants
Implant prosthetics
Single and multi-unit restorations

Patient cases

Single tooth extraction and implant rehabilitation

A 34-year-old male patient presented with the central incisor severely damaged, it had to be extracted. A socket preservation approach was chosen and an implant was placed following a delayed placement protocol with a connective tissue graft.

Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration
Soft tissue management

Patient cases

Soft tissue management: single tooth rehabilitation

A 28-year-old female patient was referred by an endodontist. The root showed signs of resorption and a long-term survival was questionable. The tooth had to be removed and an immediate implant with an adjacent muco-gingival surgery was placed. 

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures

Patient cases

Replacement of a fixed partial denture with three implants

A 52-year-old female patient is a referral and has been wearing an immediate provisional partial denture. Implant placement has been planned with a simultaneous GBR procedure.

Posterior implants


Iñaki Gamborena and Luc Rutten: Key technical considerations for soft tissue integrity and associated optimal esthetic outcomes

The lecture reviews the treatment of a failed bridge restoration supported by implants and natural teeth. Dr Gamborena and L Rutten explain the treatment sequence and the cooperation between the clinic and the dental lab. The lecture discusses patient motivation, treatment options...

Anterior implants


Eric van Dooren: Key surgical considerations for soft-tissue integrity and associated optimal esthetic outcomes

The presentation explains the treatment approach and treatment steps in a complex unilateral case with two fractured upper central and lateral teeth. Dr van Dooren reviews the diagnostic tools and highlights the additional insights patient videos can provide e.g. regarding the...

Immediate implant placement


Bernard Touati, Jean-Marc Etienne: Implant esthetics in the digital age

Over the recent years dentistry has undergone a considerable evolution, providing new technologies and materials, and become more digital. The challenge and opportunity is to combine digital technologies, esthetics and function. Dr Touati and Jean-Marc Etienne discuss long distance...

Digital workflow

Patient cases

Implant- and tooth-supported central incisor crowns

A 22-year-old football player suffered from a traumatic injury which led to an avulsion of his maxillary left central incisor. The treatment selected was the placement of a single crown on tooth #11 FDI (#8 US) and a single implant to replace tooth #21 FDI (#9 US). 

Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration
Implant prosthetics

Patient cases

Maxillary and mandibular implant- and tooth-supported restorations

A 60-year-old male patient's chief complaint was that his bridges were loose. The treatment option was a 3-unit implant fixed partial denture and 3 single crowns on tooth abutments in the maxilla, and a conventional 6-unit fixed partial denture in the anterior mandible was chosen.

Anterior implants
Implant prosthetics
Single and multi-unit restorations


Gerard Chiche: Esthetic parameters to achieve esthetic excellence

The presentation gives a close look at a systematic approach, how to plan implant restorations step by step, from an esthetic perspective. It is an esthetic-occlusal system and applied in a way that the interdisciplinary team has a common ground. Supported by several clinical...

Immediate implant placement

Patient cases

Replacement of fractured maxillary central incisor

A 68-year-old female patient with an initial crown preparation that was extended to the bone level. The tooth was extracted and an implant placed. The mucosal recession was experienced due to bone loss associated with cracked root.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration

Patient cases

Splinted implant restorations replacing posterior teeth

A 73-year-old female patient presented with extensive bone loss around the posterior tooth abutment, requiring extraction. Two crowns were used to replace the missing teeth and they were splinted to control the leverage due to the distal location of the implant in the molar crown.

Posterior implants
Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics

Patient cases

Immediate implant placement in maxillary molar site

A 53-year-old female patient presented with the molar removed, preserving the buccal plate and there was sufficient bone to place an implant in an optimal restorative position. The tooth was extracted and an implant placed. 

Immediate implant placement
Posterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Iñaki Gamborena, Patrick Rutten: Communication between clinician and lab technician. Pitfalls and how to avoid them

The lecture presents challenging patient treatment cases in the esthetic zone and how to manage the potential pitfalls with appropriate communication between the clinician and the dental technician. Dr Gamborena and P Rutten give insight in their approach and techniques to achieve...

Guided Surgery


Eric van Dooren: Optimizing soft tissue outcomes: achieving long-term success in dental implant treatment

The lecture reviews the parameters for soft tissue evaluation and clinical procedures for soft tissue conditioning, with both non-surgical and surgical techniques. To get sufficient information for proper planning it is important to make use of comprehensive diagnostic tools, like...

Immediate implant placement