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Ricardo Mitrani: Management of adjacent implants in the esthetic zone - a controversial dilemma

Treatment with multiple adjacent implants shows considerably more complexity in comparison to restoring with a single implant, especially in the esthetic zone. The lecture discusses the clinical scenarios which are important for treatment planning: healed vs extraction site...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Tidu Mankoo: Success criteria for soft tissue management in the esthetic zone

The lecture reviews the criteria for successful soft tissue management in the esthetic zone. Correct three-dimensional implant position around 3 mm apical and 2 mm palatal of the final desired gingival margin on the restoration support the buccal plate and adequate stable bone...
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Egon Euwe: The soft tissue challenge: esthetics, health and stability

The lecture discusses the principles for tissue preservation in implant restoration and highlights their importance for the esthetic result. The goal is to create healthy and stable soft tissue framing around the implant and restoration. Dr Euwe presents single implant replacement...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Prosthetic strategies


Bernard Touati, Jean-Marc Etienne: Implant esthetics in the digital age

Over the recent years dentistry has undergone a considerable evolution, providing new technologies and materials, and become more digital. The challenge and opportunity is to combine digital technologies, esthetics and function. Dr Touati and Jean-Marc Etienne discuss long distance...

Digital workflow

Patient cases

Single all-ceramic crown to replace discoloured right central incisor crown

A 56-year-old female patient was bothered by the darker shade of her right central incisor crown in comparison to the adjacent teeth. To fulfill the patient's need, a single-hand veneered zirconia crown was chosen as a treatment.

Single and multi-unit restorations
Esthetic zone prosthetics
Prosthetics on natural teeth

Patient cases

Single implant crown adjacent to metal-ceramic crowns

A 47-year-old female patient referred by her periodontist who was not satisfied with her gingival health. Metal-ceramic crowns with ceramic margins on the natural teeth along with placement of a custom abutment and cementation of a metal-ceramic crown on the implant were chosen.

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics
Single and multi-unit restorations

Patient cases

Replacement of maxillary lateral incisor metal-ceramic crown with an all-ceramic crown

A 49-year-old female patient was unsatisfied with the high opacity of her right lateral incisor. The existing metal-ceramic crown was replaced by an IPS Empress all-ceramic crown. The crown was bonded with a resin cement.

Prosthetic strategies
Prosthetic materials
Single and multi-unit restorations


Gerard Chiche: Esthetic parameters to achieve esthetic excellence

The presentation gives a close look at a systematic approach, how to plan implant restorations step by step, from an esthetic perspective. It is an esthetic-occlusal system and applied in a way that the interdisciplinary team has a common ground. Supported by several clinical...

Immediate implant placement

Patient cases

Six maxillary anterior all-ceramic crowns

A 39-year-old female patient presented with the extensive incisal wear of the maxillary incisors due to an occlusal habit that exposed large areas of dentin created some sensitivity and produced short teeth that the patient did not like.

Prosthetic materials
Biomechanics and occlusion

Patient cases

Restoration of eroded and/or abraded posterior teeth

A 58-year-old female patient presented with extensively eroded abraded and cracked teeth requiring complete coverage crowns.

Biomechanics and occlusion
Single and multi-unit restorations

Patient cases

Replacement of fractured maxillary central incisor

A 68-year-old female patient with an initial crown preparation that was extended to the bone level. The tooth was extracted and an implant placed. The mucosal recession was experienced due to bone loss associated with cracked root.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration


Eric van Dooren: Optimizing soft tissue outcomes: achieving long-term success in dental implant treatment

The lecture reviews the parameters for soft tissue evaluation and clinical procedures for soft tissue conditioning, with both non-surgical and surgical techniques. To get sufficient information for proper planning it is important to make use of comprehensive diagnostic tools, like...

Immediate implant placement