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Keng Mun Wong: Considerations for posterior implant restorations

Dr. Wong shares his insights on several major aspects of posterior implant rehabilitation.  Both the surgical and prosthetic features of the treatment plan are covered: type, size, number and distribution of implants, prosthetic and abutment design, material selection, hygiene...

Implant designs
Immediate implant placement


The East Coast experience: The zygomatic solution – should it be the first choice?

The atrophic maxilla presents a significant challenge to the surgical and restorative team. Patients seek a long- term solution in the restoration of function, esthetics, and ultimately their quality of life. Prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with severe maxillary bone...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Saj Jivraj: The All-on-4® concept - restorative considerations

Dr Jivraj guides through a comprehensive and instructive review of the restorative considerations for the All-on-4® concept. The lecture covers general considerations of the All-on4 concept and aspects of biomechanics, restoration design, space considerations, materials used...
Edentulous treatments
Minimally invasive procedures
Implants in compromised sites


Andrew Bock & Thomas Wade: Treatment planning the edentulous arch in the 3D digital planning era – engineering for success

This presentation will examine the state-of-the-art approach to utilizing a CT scan in conjunction with a 3D digital planning software. Using these techniques, clinicians are able to achieve maximum prosthetic success by reverse engineering from the occlusal plane of properly...

Digital workflow


Anthony Sclar: Managing the terminal / failing dentition - the All-on-4® treatment concept

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a proven treatment protocol that provides optimal support for an implant bridge with 4 implants even with minimum available bone volume. The lecture discusses the All-on-4® treatment concept under the failing dentition point of view and reviews...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Soft tissue management


Christian Coachman: Smile design and material selection for white and pink esthetics over implants

Dr Coachman develops how the smile design can be the primary principle of a restorative treatment plan, and how nowadays technologies assist us in achieving predictable esthetic restorations adressing functional and biologic aspects at the same time. Guided surgery is at times...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Patient cases

Implant placement and guided bone regeneration in the anterior area of the mandible

A 55-year-old male patient desired replacement of a previously extracted, missing lower canine #43 FDI (#27 US) which had not been previously restored. The treatment option was the placement of an implant with horizontal and vertical bone augmentation.

Guided Surgery


Paulo Malo: All-on-4® - state-of-the art concept

It is very important and beneficial to avoid grafting in elderly patients, who often have compromised health conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis. The All-on-4® treatment concept is a specific surgical procedure developed to avoid grafting procedures in edentulous...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Prosthetic materials


Enrico Agliardi: Managing failing dentitions and their transition to edentulism

The lecture discusses the surgical and prosthetic objectives when using the All-on-4 treatment concept and reviews the clinical management of patients covering aspects of treatment planning, surgical procedures and both provisional and final implant retained restoration.

Biomechanics and occlusion
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Diagnosis and treatment planning

Treatment guidelines


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Primary splinting

Implant supported overdentures are an evidence-based treatment option for edentulous patients leading to a significantly increased quality of life.
There are various retention elements available which connect the implants directly...

Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics


Lyndon Cooper: Endosseous dental implants - transformational for the edentulous

AAOMS data estimate that by the age of 74, 26 % of all adults will have lost all of their permanent teeth. Dr Cooper points out, that the care of the octagenarian is a challenge for dental profession, but also a major opportunity. Dr Cooper reviews the main parameters related to...
Digital workflow


Rubén Davó: Management of the extremely resorbed maxilla

The lecture reviews the principles of the rehabilitation of the extremely resorbed maxilla and compares Zygomatic implants with sinus lift and augmentation procedures, and highlights the importance of the Zygomatic concept for implantology. Under extreme clinical circumstances like...
Digital workflow
Edentulous treatments


Jeffrey Ganeles: the All-on-4® treatment concept from a referral base, periodontal/surgical practice perspective

The lecture discusses, how the All-on-4 treatment concept fits into treatment in a periodontal practice. Dr Ganeles discusses treatment options for patients with failing maxillary dentitions from advanced and generalized periodontitis, and reviews the treatment of these situations...
Immediate implant placement
Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics


Keng Mun Wong: Choosing the prosthetic solution

The lecture summarizes planning, decision and design criteria for the prosthetic restoration. Dr Mun Wong reviews treatment options, selection of size and diameter of implants, number and distribution of implants, restoration design, and discusses aspects like splinting and force...
Implant designs
Immediate implant placement


Egon Euwe: The esthetic upgrade for the edentulous patient

The lecture reviews the treatment plan and workflow for fixed prosthetic restorations of edentulous arches. The diagnostic planning before the implant surgery can be tested e.g. with provisional diagnostic dentures. Highlighting with a patient case, Dr Euwe explains how a screw...
Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic materials