Implant supported overdentures are an evidence-based treatment option for edentulous patients leading to a significantly increased quality of life.
There are various retention elements available which connect the implants directly...
The tradition to insert 6 implants, and eventually more, in an arch-wide pattern dates back to the early days of osseointegration when implants with a machined surface were used and risk for early...
The relative merits of different prosthodontic treatment objectives - resilient versus rigid attachments - are controversial and empirical. A resilient retention mechanism is recommended on the assumption that this will protect implants from overload; while in...
The patient with a terminal dentition and who faces total teeth extractions can choose from a number of treatment options from immediate complete denture to one of the implant supported protocols.
Immediate dentures are chosen by patients who are unwilling...
Parafunctional activities can apply high forces to both implant and prosthetic components. These forces can lead to fracture or loosening of screws and abutments, chipping of the veneering material or fracture of the prosthetic reconstruction...