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How does cementation of implant restorations impact osseointegration?

What do we know about cement? How it flows, excessive amounts and hydraulic forces arising from cement can lead to both hard and soft tissue destruction. These concepts and furthermore, how should we mitigate the risks of using cement, will be discussed.


Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics


Paul Rosen: Factors associated with peri-implant bone loss

The cause(s) of bone loss around dental implants evoke many disparate views. Since the 6th European Workshop on Periodontics held in 2007, no update has been made to the original list leading to debate as to what may be relevant. This lecture will highlight some of these emerging...

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics

Patient cases

A novel approach for soft tissue management in the anterior region

A 33-year-old male patient's chief complaint was a missing lateral incisor which had been extracted several years earlier. A one-stage implant procedure simultaneous to connective tissue grafting and the use of a slim healing abutment was planned.

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Franceso Pera: Full-arch rehabilitation with immediate loading protocol. Prosthetic and biomechanical aspects.

In recent years, numerous papers have focused on the treatment of edentulous maxillae with immediately loaded implant-supported prostheses. Despite the inherent challenges of this kind of rehabilitation, these papers reported favorable results. In 2004, the Department of Implant...

Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics


David Garcia Baeza: The art of individualized prosthetics in the aesthetic zone and the way to the optimum result

Reaching for an aesthetic end-result involves optimized soft tissue protocols. The use of provisional restorations gives advantages and makes the final prosthetic steps easier to achieve an excellent esthetic result. The handling of the soft tissue and its manipulation at the right...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Hannes Wachtel - Various treatment options for the terminal dentition and for the edentulous

It has been our experience, over the last ten years, that the vast majority of patients presenting with “terminal dentition” prefer to maintain fixed “teeth”. The All-on-4® treatment concept will meet these requirements. Furthermore treatment time, costs and treatment effort is...

Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics
Prosthetics on natural teeth


Anthony Sclar: Evolution in protocols and the science of the graftless concept for treatment of the failing dentition

The All-on-4® graftless treatment concept provides an advantageous solution for delivery of full arch immediate load hybrid prosthesis for patients suffering from failing dentition. The biomechanical basis and clinical success of the All-on-4® treatment concept in both maxillary...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Implant prosthetics


Glen Liddelow: Avoiding surgical pitfalls with the All-on-4® treatment concept

The All-on-4® treatment concept has now become a routine, highly successful clinical procedure. However, there are a number of common surgical complications that can be avoided through proper planning and surgical technique. This lecture will address aspects of planning to avoid co

Digital workflow
Edentulous treatments


Wolfgang Bolz: The All-on-4® treatment concept in daily practice

Many patients long for fast, painless and effective treatment for their failing dentition. In Germany, an estimated 10 million patients are already edentulous or will soon become edentulous. The treatment options presented to them usually include long, invasive, painful and...

Digital workflow
Implant designs
Implant surfaces


Gary Orentlicher: Optimize planning and treatment with CBCT and NobelClinician®

Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), in combination with the NobelClinician® software and NobelGuide® surgical templates offer the dental implant team a new set of planning, surgical, and restorative tools. These technologies aid the restorative, surgical, and dental laboratory...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Inaki Gamborena, Luc Rutten: Achieving a high end esthetic outcome with a team approach and digital communication

This presentation will describe their experience in challenging cases as a team in a two-way communication. Clinicians and dental technicians have access to an astounding array of new technologies, tools and materials to design beautiful smiles.


This presentation puts an emphasis...

Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


George Duello: From concept to clinical reality - how standard workflows lead to patient satisfaction

For the partially edentulous patient to achieve complete prosthetic rehabilitation, the dental team needs to identify common challenges and goals to facilitate clinical workflows for the patient. Conventional and digital diagnostic procedures can demonstrate appropriate surgical...

Digital workflow
Prosthetic strategies


Joseph Kan: Anterior immediate single tooth replacement. Lessons learned.

Achieving anterior implant esthetics is a challenging procedure. Understanding the biological and physiological limitations of the soft and hard tissues will facilitate predictability in simple to complex esthetic situations. This presentation will reflect on the past and current,

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Wolfgang Bolz: Refinements in managing the terminal / failing dentition. A continued evolution

Dr. Wolfgang Bolz discusses managing a terminal/failing dentition with procedures which are both preditable and efficient. He discusses common barriers to treatment faced by patients. The number of patients that need dental treatment is growing exponentially, while the percentage...

Implant designs
Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement


Keng Mun Wong: Considerations for posterior implant restorations

Dr. Wong shares his insights on several major aspects of posterior implant rehabilitation.  Both the surgical and prosthetic features of the treatment plan are covered: type, size, number and distribution of implants, prosthetic and abutment design, material selection, hygiene...

Implant designs
Immediate implant placement