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Egon Euwe: The soft tissue challenge: esthetics, health and stability

The lecture discusses the principles for tissue preservation in implant restoration and highlights their importance for the esthetic result. The goal is to create healthy and stable soft tissue framing around the implant and restoration. Dr Euwe presents single implant replacement...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Prosthetic strategies

Treatment guidelines



Number of implants maxilla and mandible

The tradition to insert 6 implants, and eventually more, in an arch-wide pattern dates back to the early days of osseointegration when implants with a machined surface were used and risk for early...

Implant prosthetics
Biomechanics and occlusion
Success & failure

Treatment guidelines



Direct to implant vs. abutment

Advantages of abutment-supported prostheses are 1) When implants are not parallel to each other, the use of angulated abutments can "correct" for the non-parallelism 2) Angulated abutments are available for a screw-retained prosthesis and 3) Custom abutments can be...

Prosthetic strategies
Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics


Aaron Fenton: The impact of osseointegration on the edentulous predicament - the fixed management option

Where would we be without the gift of dental implants today ? In light of a growing elderly population, Dr Fenton presents a journey through treatment of edentulous patients from the pre-implant times in dentistry till today's advanced options and future advances and opportunities...

Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics

Treatment guidelines



Overdenture retention devices, overview

Attachment selection

The relative merits of different prosthodontic treatment objectives - resilient versus rigid attachments - are controversial and empirical. A resilient retention mechanism is recommended on the assumption that this will protect implants from overload; while in...

Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics
Biomechanics and occlusion


Patrick Rutten: Creating substructures from the lab perspective

Patrick Rutten reviews the laboratory part within the digital workflow and the opportunities with CAD/CAM procedures being an excellent alternative to casting technique. CAD/CAM technology provides excellent and predictable precision, passive fit, significant labor and time savings...

Digital workflow
Prosthetic materials

Treatment guidelines



Fixed implant prostheses, introduction

A fixed prosthesis offers benefits from both a functional and esthetic point of view and may be regarded as quite similar to a patient's own natural dentition when compared to alternative treatment options such as complete dentures....

Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics

Treatment guidelines



Implant overdentures, introduction

Some patients present with soft and hard tissue defects that cannot be addressed by a fixed implant prosthesis when esthetics, phonetics and oral hygiene access are considered. In these patients who have struggled...

Implant prosthetics
Removable prosthetics


Bernard Touati, Jean-Marc Etienne: Implant esthetics in the digital age

Over the recent years dentistry has undergone a considerable evolution, providing new technologies and materials, and become more digital. The challenge and opportunity is to combine digital technologies, esthetics and function. Dr Touati and Jean-Marc Etienne discuss long distance...

Digital workflow


Ken Parrish: Minimizing complications with full-arch immediate provisionalization

What can go wrong when restoring a full-arch with immediate provisionalization ? Dr Parrish gives insight in the most common complications and pitfalls and how they can be avoided. Often failures are due to human errror. Implant component failures are rare, provided premium quality...

Implant prosthetics
Biomechanics and occlusion
Local factors

Patient cases

Single implant crown adjacent to metal-ceramic crowns

A 47-year-old female patient referred by her periodontist who was not satisfied with her gingival health. Metal-ceramic crowns with ceramic margins on the natural teeth along with placement of a custom abutment and cementation of a metal-ceramic crown on the implant were chosen.

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics
Single and multi-unit restorations


Gerard Chiche: Esthetic parameters to achieve esthetic excellence

The presentation gives a close look at a systematic approach, how to plan implant restorations step by step, from an esthetic perspective. It is an esthetic-occlusal system and applied in a way that the interdisciplinary team has a common ground. Supported by several clinical...

Immediate implant placement

Patient cases

Maxillary complete denture with a mandibular implant overdenture

A 91-year-old female patient was unable to wear her existing dentures. There was no residual ridge in the maxilla, only soft tissue. In the mandible, there was extensive resorption with the inferior alveolar canal close to/on the residual ridge. 

Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics


Regina Mericske-Stern: Failing teeth and implants - great variety of treatment options

The lecture discusses the different reasons, why patients loose teeth and the various options for treatment with implant supported restorations. The aspects which need to be considered comprise the reason of tooth loss such as caries, perio disease or apical lesions, and prosthetic...

Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics

Patient cases

Replacement of fractured maxillary central incisor

A 68-year-old female patient with an initial crown preparation that was extended to the bone level. The tooth was extracted and an implant placed. The mucosal recession was experienced due to bone loss associated with cracked root.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration