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Treatment guidelines


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Secondary splinting

Implant overdentures are an excellent treatment option for edentulous patients and lead to significant improvement of quality of life. There are various options for their retention mechanism...


Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics
Removable prosthetics


Iven Klineberg: Is traditional complete denture therapy passé ?

Even though preventive and restorative efforts increase the retention of natural teeth considerably, the number of edentulous patients will grow due to the epidemiologic growth of the older patient group. Adequate treatment of edentulous patient remains a challenge and Dr Klineberg...
Implant prosthetics

Patient cases

Esthetic and functional aspects in a full mouth rehabilitation

A 62-year-old male patient with a long history of periodontitis which resulted in extensive gingival recessions compromising the aesthetics. The treatment plan involved a combination of implant-and tooth-supported restorations.

Posterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration

Patient cases

Implant- and tooth-supported full mouth rehabilitation

A 67-year-old male patient presented with visible black triangles and a cracked tooth in need of replacement. Failing teeth were extracted and replaced by implant-supported restorations, bridges on natural teeth and single crowns or veneers.

Posterior implants
Implant prosthetics
Esthetic zone prosthetics


Friedrich Neukam, Stefan Holst: Optimal decision-making and treatment planning - a shared responsibility

The lecturers present their team approach for patient communication, diagnostics, treatment planning and treatment decisions, discuss the functional and esthetic consequences of edentulism, and review the different treatment phases. In addition to regular intro-and extra-oral...
Prosthetic materials


Paulo Malo: Full-arch rehabilitation of edentulous patients with the All-on-4® treatment concept

Dr Malo presents an overview over the principles of the All-on-4® treatment concept with a focus on the prosthetic options and design characteristics. The All-on-4® treatment main principles comprise: 4 implants for full arch rehabiliation, avoid implants in the (maxillary)...
Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic materials


Oliver Hugo: Enriching our way of vision - NobelClinician software as a versatile tool for diagnosis and planning for partially edentulous cases.

The lecture reviews basics of X-ray diagnostics and CBCT scans and how the diagnostic capabilities of software based treatment planning can assist clinicians in their daily practice. CBCT scans cannot be done on a routine basis, however if a scan is done for implant treatment...
Guided Surgery


Yvan Fortin: Maximizing available bone in the edentulous maxilla with tilted and straight implants without restorative compromise

Placement of tilted and/or Zygomatic implants can offer the advantage of low invasive, graftless treatment options. Dr Fortin presents systematic pre-treatment evaluation for these solutions, discusses the benefits of tilted implants and explains placement options and techniques...
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Oded Bahat: Surgical and esthetic treatment in three dimensions

The lecture gives insight in principles and protocols for the three-dimensional reconstruction of the maxillary ridge and its relationship to intra- and extra-oral esthetics. Dr Bahat reviews aspects of intra- and extra-oral objectives, guidelines for surgical planning, soft tissue...
Bone grafting and regeneration
Soft tissue management
Implant prosthetics


Markus Blatz: Prosthetic parameters and materials for anterior implant esthetics

There is not one material suitable for all patients and the availability of new materials and techniques requires smart decision making to achieve the objective of a prosthetic restoration: to mimic nature as close as possible. Treatment planning therefore is key. Dr Blatz gives...
Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics


Andrea Ricci: Surgical and prosthetic considerations in implant therapy in healthy vs periodontally compromised patients

To obtain an esthetic result, the objective is to achieve harmony between pink and white tissues. usually this is an issue and in periodontally compromised it is likely to be an even bigger challenge. Dr Ricci gives insight in the surgical and prosthetic treatment steps, procedures...
Guided Surgery


Ricardo Mitrani: Management of adjacent implants in the esthetic zone - a controversial dilemma

Treatment with multiple adjacent implants shows considerably more complexity in comparison to restoring with a single implant, especially in the esthetic zone. The lecture discusses the clinical scenarios which are important for treatment planning: healed vs extraction site...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Tristan Staas: Treatment options in the upper jaw

The lecture describes the treatment options in edentulous cases with a focus on the upper jaw and structures the concepts in anatomical situations with major bone loss, moderate bone loss and no/minimal bone loss. Highlighting with clinical examples for each of these situations Dr...
Edentulous treatments
Bone grafting and regeneration


Tidu Mankoo: Success criteria for soft tissue management in the esthetic zone

The lecture reviews the criteria for successful soft tissue management in the esthetic zone. Correct three-dimensional implant position around 3 mm apical and 2 mm palatal of the final desired gingival margin on the restoration support the buccal plate and adequate stable bone...
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Roland Glauser: Fixed or removable restorations for the edentulous patient

The lecture gives insight in the decision criteria for prosthetic restoration planning in edentulous situations. Dr Glauser discusses extraoral examination parameters and the different levels of decision making such as evaluation of lip support, lip line and transition zone...
Implant prosthetics
Diagnosis and treatment planning